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12 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight on Keto


There is no doubt that keto is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. However, in some cases, despite your best effort, you might find yourself not seeing results.


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

If you are not losing weight on keto, there could be a number of reasons why. In this article we look at some of these reasons and give you a few helpful tips to help you get back on track of your weight loss journey.

Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Keto?

There are a variety of reasons why you might not be losing weight on keto. These include:

1. Eating the wrong macros for keto

The ketogenic diet is fundamentally structured around specific macronutrient ratios: approximately 70-75% of calories from fat, 15-20% from protein, and 5-10% from carbohydrates.

However, getting these ratios right isn’t always easy. You might eat too much protein or carbs without realizing it, which can stop your body from staying in ketosis, and also slow down weight loss.

Equally, an inadequacy of fat or consumption of low-quality fats, such as those from heavily processed sources, can also hinder your progress.

For this reason, it’s important to calculate your macros correctly before you start keto. Using a reliable keto calculator app can help ensure you’re getting your ratios right, which can set you up for weight loss success.

2. Not achieving ketosis

Reaching ketosis, a metabolic state where your body uses fat, instead of carbs for energy, is the main goal of the Ketogenic diet. Your body enters ketosis when you drastically reduce carb intake and increase your fat consumption.

To ensure you’re on the right track, testing for ketosis can be highly beneficial. You can test for ketosis through urine strips, breath analyzers, or blood ketone meters. Blood ketone meters are generally the most accurate, but they can be more costly and require a small blood sample with every test.

3. Eating too much carbs

On keto, carbs should only make up 5-10% of your daily calories. To demonstrate how low this is, a single banana has about 20 grams of net carbs, which is 40% of the maximum daily allowance on keto(*). Even lower carb foods easily add up. For example, a carrot has about 5 grams of net carbs and a serving of peanut butter has 5.5 grams net carbs(*, *).

In some cases, you might unknowingly consume more carbs than recommended due to hidden sugars in sauces or dressings and even in foods marketed as ‘low carb’. Therefore, it’s crucial to be vigilant about your carb intake. To keep carbs in check, consider tracking your macros using a tracking app. Furthermore, always check labels for hidden sugars to make sure they fit your macros.

4. Consuming too many calories

While the ketogenic diet has been proven to aid weight loss, it is still necessary to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. This is because in order for you to lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume so that your body resorts to your fat reserves for energy.

One of the ways you might lose sight of your calorie intake is by overindulging in high-fat foods such as mayonnaise since they are keto-friendly. Calorie tracking, while not always necessary, can be useful in helping you stay within your calorie needs. You may also benefit from calculating your calorie needs and how much you need to cut back to meet your weight loss goals.

5. Eating too much protein

Contrary to popular belief, keto isn’t a high protein diet but rather a moderate protein diet. If you consume too much protein, the excess can be converted into glucose for energy. This can delay or stop ketosis as the body will burn this newly formed glucose instead of fat for energy.

6. Constantly snacking

Snacking can be a part of a healthy ketogenic diet even with the intention of weight loss. However, if you don’t approach it with care, you might find yourself overindulging. This doesn’t only apply to non-keto snacks. Even keto-friendly sweets can hinder weight loss by delaying ketosis or increasing calorie-intake.

Some of the snacks you need to be weary of include fat bombs, keto-friendly chocolate, nuts, and seeds. If you find yourself needing to snack more often, opt for lower-calorie keto-friendly snacks such as cucumbers, celery sticks, and eggs.

7. Consuming too much alcohol

Certain types of alcohol such as hard liquor, dry wines, and light beer, are permitted because they are low in carbs. However, these can still add up in calorie count if you consume them regularly.

For instance, one glass of wine is about 120 calories and if you were to have one every day, it would add up to 840 calories per week. If you’re trying to lose weight, you should consider limiting alcohol to the weekends or abstaining completely and introducing it back slowly once you have seen some progress.

8. Stress

Stress is another factor that can inhibit weight loss directly and indirectly(*). Directly, stress causes the release of cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, which has been shown to hinder weight loss by encouraging fat storage(*).

Indirectly, stress might cause you to overeat leading to an increase in calorie intake. Continuous stress might also discourage you from exercising which might affect your weight loss efforts.


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

Fortunately, there are multiple ways you can minimize stress. First, try being more mindful of your surroundings to protect your mental health. Meditation is one of the most effective ways of practicing mindfulness but other tactics like journaling can also be helpful

Secondly, physical exercise can help minimize stress by inducing the release of ‘feel-good’ chemicals like endorphins and dopamine(*).

Finally, surrounding yourself with loved ones that support your goals can help reduce stress and fast track your weight loss efforts.

9. Not getting enough sleep

A healthy adult needs about 7 to 9 hours of sleep everyday for optimal health. However, for various reasons, you might be getting less hours of sleep which could affect your weight loss progress especially if it happens regularly.

Similar to stress, sleep can affect weight loss directly and indirectly. Directly, sleep can slow down metabolism, reducing the number of calories the body burns. Indirectly, lack of sleep can stimulate cortisol which we have seen to affect weight loss. Additionally, sleep deprivation can also promote the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone(*).

To improve your sleep pattern, follow a regular schedule by going to bed at a similar time everyday. Establishing a nightly routine can also help train your body to go to sleep faster.

Furthermore, consider setting up your environment to support a healthy sleep pattern. This includes avoiding caffeine towards bedtime, limiting screen time, and eliminating noise.

10. Not getting enough physical activity

Regular physical activity is not only essential for weight loss but also for overall health. Physical exercise increases the number of calories you burn not only during your workout sessions but also at rest. This is because it boosts muscle mass which in turn boosts your Basal metabolic Rate (BMR), the number of calories you burn at rest.

You don’t have to dedicate large chunks of your day to the gym to increase your physical activity level. Start with more physically demanding activities such as taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, and standing at your desk.

If you have the time, scheduled exercise is also very effective in aiding weight loss. Choose a physical activity you enjoy such as Yoga, Pilates, dancing, cycling, and Zumba to maximize your chances of success.

11. Underlying medical condition affecting weight loss

If you have stuck to your diet but you continue to put on weight, there might be an underlying medical condition affecting you. A common condition that causes this is hypothyroidism, which is a state in which your thyroid doesn’t produce enough thyroxine, the hormone that regulates metabolism.

Another condition that hinders weight loss is PCOS, a condition that affects women. PCOS triggers insulin resistance and also hinders weight loss.

Other conditions that affect weight loss directly or indirectly include Cushing’s Syndrome, metabolic syndrome, and sleep apnea.

12. Medications

Despite your best efforts, certain medications can hinder your weight loss progress. This includes antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers which can increase appetite causing you to eat more than usual.

Diabetes medications, including insulin, can also cause weight gain or slow down weight loss. Finally, contraceptives may also affect your weight loss progress.

If you suspect your medication is slowing down your journey, don’t stop your medication without consulting your doctor. Speak to your doctor about seeking an alternative or work with a registered dietitian to redesign your diet.

The Bottom Line

While keto is an effective strategy for weight, certain factors can stand in the way of your progress. To get back on track, you will have to address these factors by making sustainable lifestyle changes.


Join 90k+ people who are losing weight with Keto Kickstart, our doctor-developed program designed to give you real weight loss results.

You should discuss any possible health concerns with a qualified healthcare professional such as a doctor or registered dietitian. Remember, losing weight for good takes time and requires patience and effort.

6 References

FoodData Central. Bananas. 2020 January 4

FoodData Central. Carrots. 2019 January 4

FoodData Central. Peanut butter. 2019 January 4

Hewagalamulage SD et al. Stress, cortisol, and obesity: a role for cortisol responsiveness in identifying individuals prone to obesity. 2016 July

Julia C. et al. The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurochemical Pathways. 2017 February 13

Sebastian M. et al. A single night of sleep deprivation increases ghrelin levels and feelings of hunger in normal-weight healthy men. 2008 September


56 thoughts on “12 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight on Keto

  1. HELP …
    I have been following a keto diet since a week after Thanksgiving. I’ve lost a total of 20 pounds. However over the past three weeks I want to come down 2 pounds. I do check my keytones with a monitor and the fluctuate daily. Anywhere from .3 – 4.4(when I had a chocolate whipping cream dessert for dinner because I used all my protein grams at lunch.)
    Since January 3, more than half of my ketones measurements have been less than 1.5.

    I have been unsuccessful in trying to figure out why. My weight is 175 – goal weight 160. My macros are 15gr carbs, 93gr fat, 75gr protein with calorie goal of 1200.

    A question i haven’t found an answer to is: does each meal need to be a balance of the macros?
    When I go back are review my logging on Carb Manager, I have been concerned about the totals at the end of the day and not as much during each individual meal.

    Trying not to be frustrated :/

    1. Hey Jennifer, seems like 1200 calories is a bit low. Have you tried increasing your calories at all and seeing if that helps get you over the plateau? Our body’s are very smart and will adjust over time so sometimes you need to boost the calories up a little to get things going again. I would focus on having a balance of macros throughout your meal but I wouldn’t get too caught up on that. As long as you’re consistent throughout the week, you should be fine. You can also try incorporating intermittent fasting and/or some exercise to help you get over that plateau!

      1. Thank you Rachel!
        I have been doing IF since the beginning as it fits my lifestyle well.
        First meal around 12-2
        Second meal between 6-8.
        I will add walking in my day.
        I will increase my calories to 1400

      2. I have heard several experts say to lower your protein to 50 grams for a week and it should help. I did it and it worked.

      3. Good day, I started my Keto diet 2 months ago, at 155 lbs, I kept my percentage points
        Fat at 80, protein at 15 and carbs at 5 . Cal. Under 1,000 to 1,200
        I did great till now, I’m down to 128 lbs, at lot of inches, but it has stalled. I want to get to 110 lbs. I’m small boned, large bust no waist and no hips, :;-(. Needless to say my weight is in my belly fat
        I’m taking about 3 to 4 tbs of MCT oil to keep my fat levels high
        Last two weeks no weigh loss, help, _(“)_Namaste

    2. I’m getting frustrated I started losing weight at the beginning I’ve been on the diet almost a month and I have lost 14 pounds and then this morning I get up and I gained 2 pounds and I’m wondering what I’m doing wrong I’m trying my hardest to help me

  2. Re: not eating enough. I am never hungry enough to eat more than 1000 calories. Believe me its not calorie restriction, I am just not hungry. Also, I have severe sciatica and can’t excercise outside of a yoga class a week. I barely get 2500 steps in a day, hopefully that will get better but seriously, there is less need for energy. All that said, I cant get that last 10 pounds off. IF/KETO with great macros and in ketosis. Any thoughts?

    1. I have had the same issues but mainly because eating isn’t as much fun! Try sticking to nutrionally dense foods such as avocado and add olive oil to your meals. Even just a drizzle can up your intake 100 calories per tablespoon. Hope this helps!

    2. hi Janette, if you are not hungry just don’t eat that is the ultimate goal of the keto diet to eat when you are hungry. The last 10 pounds are always the hardest to lose in any diet. Just continue what you are eating and eventually you might lose them, but if your body says no that means you are at the weight you are supposed to be.

  3. I am a female, 174lbs, est body fat of 37%, and when I did these calculations for macros they seemed way off. I came up with: 2236 daily cal count, 110g protein, 40g carb, 180g fat. This just can’t be right, I’ve done the math several times! Can someone confirm this is correct or is it way off?

  4. I know I have to stay hydrated and I do consume some regular water but I also drink the sugar free Powerade. I havent’ lost much weight and after reading several blogs I am starting to think that the Powerade has some hidden carbs. Am I correct? Could this be stalling my results?

  5. New Keto dieter Michele here again…. just looking at my numbers closely. Realize 5.3 oz of ribeye steak has 30 g fat! If my total fat intake is 87g per day… then meat and or eggs could account for all of my fat intake for a day, right?

  6. Hi can you help me ..I’m not getting the Marcos thing, Im in ketosis but not loosing weight..I only have 10lbs to loose, January 2nd was my start date and I lost the initial 5lbs plus 4 inches, but I put on 2lbs on I take off 2lbs it yoyo’s back and forth my Marcos were 1200 calories and 70gm fat protien 15gms and the rest’s the stupid question is all that to total 1200 calories? how can you have 70gms of fat in 1200
    I’m so cinfused..I basically eat carb free to stay in ketosis..

    1. Need more fat. 70g of fat is only 630 cal of fat which on a 1200 cal day is barely over 50%. Shoot for 75-80% cal from fat.. 20-15% protein and 5% carb

  7. I’m following the principals of keto by eating some high fat/low carb food and drinking lots more water than i usd to (no idea if ‘I’m in ketosis’). Only lost 1lbs after two weeks on it – lost 10bs in that amount of time last time I tried it, HOWEVER my tummy is much less bloated and swollen. Hoping weight loss will find me soon…..I tend to lose weight on any eating plan slowly but in a 3 week cycle.*i think any number crunching on an eating plan puts me off so will continue as I am for longer and see if the number on the scales starts to improve/my shape continues to change for the better. Is there a testing kit that can be bought online to let me test if I am ‘in ketosis’?


  8. I guess I am just not good at math because this all seems impossible to figure out. I used my fitness pal but I am not losing. I know I have been in ketosis and appear to be fat adapted as my ketones are no longer showing. I just am not losing. I am meticulous about counting and checking everything so the only thing I can figure is that somehow my calorie count must be off.

  9. what if you can’t change the things that are stalling you or making you gain? Like lack of sleep and stress? If you are awaken several times a night and there is nothing you can do to change it temporarily.(caregiver) What can we do to lessen the impact?????

  10. I have been on the Keto diet for 48 days now – In the beginning I lost 15lbs in 21 days eating intermittently — I have been trying to get to at least a 20lb weight loss and I cannot for some reason
    I have been faithful to this diet which is not easy for me
    I have a weight loss goal beginning at 60lbs
    I need all of the advice I can get
    I thank you in advance

  11. WSBarker to be in Ketosis you must consume 20gms or less of carbs. I’m not an expert but everything I’ve researched says so. Also fat must be your largest consumption. Fat is what keeps you satisfied, not feeling hungry. I also suggest you switch from Splenda to Stevia. A MUCH better, natural choice. Also Bullet-Proof coffee or BPTea is amazing!! You can find recipes online but so simple. It might sound gross or even taste gross the first time you try it but it gets extra fat into your body, keeps you satisfied for a long while & seems like your having a very extravagant drink!! I LOVE it!! I also was drinking plenty of water everyday but 2 days ago starting squeezing some lemon into it with a few sprinkles of stevia. Soooo good & now I’m drinking even more. Plus it’s so good for your body.

    I have been doing Keto since 4/9 & lost 30 lbs. I still have 70 lbs to go. Some days I lose some days I go up & down a lb or 2 & it’s frustrating but VERY NATURAL for our bodies! Stay focused on the big picture!! Blessings!!

  12. I have been on keto diet for 8 weeks. I weigh , measure, & record everything. My blood ketones run between 2.3 – 2.8. I take in approximately 1200 calories divided 70% fat, 25% protein, and 5% carbs. I have lost no weight in last 3 weeks. My sleep is good and not overly stressed. I weigh 220. Why am I not losing weight?

  13. Im not losing weight on Keto. I lost a few pounds at first, but i basically ate 20g of carbs or less for over a month. I watched my calories and thought maybe i am eating too much protein qand not enough fat so i leveled that out but nothing. I do have a history of thyroid issues, which i had removed 2 years ago and i take Synthroid. Im at a loss. I have friends who have done this with much success. HELP

  14. I’m having horrible leg cramps since starting on KETO. Been taking extra magnesium and potassium but not helping 🙁 So bad that they keep up at night.


    Leg cramps can be due to dehydration. Managing your water and electrolyte (salt) intake, should help. More water is good for you anyway.

  16. I am very confused about how to make this work for me. I will lose 1lb and then gain 2 lbs in a day. I have been tracking my macros and have been very close to perfect. But last few days I just keep gaining . I really don’t want to live my life eating spoonfuls of oil— I like the premise of Keto but trying to find what is working and what isn’t — is just not easy. They say trial and error but I spent 2 months taking off 13 lbs and to see in a few days almost half coming back is overwhelming to me. I keep plodding along! Also how can you do IF and get all that fat in 4 hours? Also how is that different than not eating enough and causing a gain??

  17. I have been on the Keto Diet for one week and I only lost 4 Lbs.
    I’m eating very little carbs & only eating until I’m full.
    But I’m not loosing allot of weight at all so far.
    Is sharp Chedder cheese ok to have two slices mixed in eggs.
    I’m eating sausage or bacon & eggs every morning, I’m eating steak or sausage & broccoli & salad at night. I might have a cheese stick snack or hard boiled egg for a snack ( I’m drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day) I have not checked my keystones but I feel I’m not doing this diet correctly. I’m looking for some help.
    Maybe a more exact list of the foods I should be eating would help.
    I asking for some help

  18. I have been on this diet for 2 weeks and have been following very carefully. I have lost weight for sure but I was shocked the scale has not moved at all. Is that normal?
    I thought for sure I would see a weight loss and nope . I am confused. My husband was puzzled as well. What am I doing wrong or right ????

  19. Does eating greek yoghurt in excess quantity, or eating peanuts, or cheese, or heavy cream, does this has to deal with not loosing weight, even though you are ketosis

  20. Another thing that’s very easy to overlook is dehydration. I see at least one response where someone says they are drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

    That’s simply not enough. Keto absolutely needs water to work. A lot of water. Because there’s dehydration involved (which is why keeping your electrolytes up is so important), your body will start holding onto water. The only way to have it let go of that excess water is to ‘reassure’ it that you’ve got a steady supply of water coming in.

    Be sure to find your target water intake using a calculator. (Google ‘water intake calculator keto’)

    So if you’re stalling, this is what I’d do:

    – Check to see your water intake. Make sure you’re getting plenty for your height/weight.

    – Look at your macros. Have you updated them in the last month? You want to make sure they reflect your recent body and not the one you started with. Are you meeting your protein goals for the day? Are you making sure you don’t exceed your fat limit?

    – Check your portion sizes. We have the tendency to guesstimate portions, so extra carbs and fat can creep up if you’re not being cautious. Investing in a food scale is wonderful for this.

    – If you’re still stalled, start looking at foods you may eat a lot of: like that greek yoghurt or peanuts that NISHA is asking about. Depending on the brand, there may be a lot more carbs in there than you think. If it still fits within your macros, then it may be possible that your body doesn’t ‘play’ well with that food. Remove it from your food plan for a couple of weeks and see if that helps.

    If it does help, never fear! You can slowly add small quantities back in to see how much you can take until it stalls you. Chances are, you’ll be able to have something, even if it isn’t as much as you had before.

  21. I’ve been doing keto for a little o er a month. I’ve really not lost anything. I fluctuate up or down 5lbs. I’ve adjusted where others suggested. I’ve increased my water intake. I’ve increased my activity level. I’ve fasted and intermittently fasted. Still the scale will not move. I think I’ve narrowed it down to a medicine I’m on. It’s called megace or megesterol. It essentially has thrown my body into menopause. But from my research it causes weight gain. Just wondering if anyone has any insight on whether this is effecting ketosis. I have the pee strips and I’m almost always barely in ketosis even with taking supplements like perfect keto. Just really frustrated any advice is welcome. Thank you

  22. I don’t know what to think…I have been on keto for a year and a half. I lost 30 pounds in my first 6 months. Then it all stopped. My weight stayed the same for 6 months. Then, slowly, I started gaining back and now I am up 15 pounds. This must stop and I don’t know what to do. I have tried everything I know to change the direction and it is not working. I am barely in ketosis and can’t seem to get that fired back up no matter what I do. The only way I can measure ketones is if I take ketones. I can’t seem to get there from my diet only, and my diet is keto for sure. I don’t cheat but I am getting very discouraged. Any suggestions would be so valued and appreciated. Thank you!

  23. been on keto-“type”diet about 6wks, still not mathematically figuring out my prescribed macros. Overwhelmed. cant seem to understand how to find macros,how to use a calculator,what to load on my phone? im 62yr old grama, 5ft almost 3”, started at 181.8 now 176.4, so many on fb keto groups are loosing lots and very fast. i have low activity. bpc makes me feel queasy,nausiated especially on empty stomach. if I add a scoop of protein powder to it might that help my low bp symptoms of lightheaded, weak feelings? I want to get to 135 lbs, size 8-10pants.

  24. Help! I am on the Keto diet… the first two weeks I lost weight, but the following 2 weeks, I have gained weight. I am tracking my macros, and eating about 1,657 calories per day. Most of the days, I am a little lower from that goal. I walked about 50 minutes per day.. so really I don’t have a clue what it is happening to me. Pls, can someone guide me? thanks

  25. Carol, Are you certain you are in Ketosis? The weight loss could be the low carbs and also water loss. I would check with test strips to see where you are on the scale of ketosis. You may want to look at what you are eating to see if there are any hidden carbs.

  26. Well, reading all these comments at least I feel better. I am starting to think that this diet is great for those who have lots to ,lose, and not so great for those who have twenty or less to lose. My girlfriend who wants to lose like 40 lbs has dropped 18 lbs in three weeks, I haven lost a thing despite doing this for a month. But I am not severely overweight either. When I count my macros I basically need to eat less then 1200 calories a day, no different than a standard diet. Except now I can’t eat half the veggies I like or any carbs , since fat and protein are so calorie dense, I’m needing to eat way less food than if I didn’t worry about carbs….had i just done a regular diet by now I would be down at least 5 lbs. I’m all for cutting processed foods and refined flour and sugar, but just like everything, there is no magic secret. I’m gonna give this maybe two more weeks and I’m out. ????

  27. I have been on the diet for 3 weeks , have watched every bite I put in my mouth.after 3days I lost 4lbs,was feeling good all cravings were gone and I was thinking this is so easy.on day 5 I was up 3lbs. It was up and down the entire three down 11lbs as of today.was hoping for more but will keep at it for as long as it takes to loose 15 more lbs. I think I followed the plan as close as I could,I guess every body is different.dont give up.????

  28. I have been doing Keto for 4 weeks and I have not lost anything. I’m giving up on Keto. If I was on any other diet eating what I’m eating I would have lost something. I’m not hungry so I eat very little meat. I basically eat a lot of green salad and cauliflower. I walk for 45 minutes 6 days a week. The only dairy I eat is a little cheese. Keto doesn’t work for me.

    1. Hi JoAnne, getting into ketosis may take anywhere from 48 hours to one week and the length in time will vary depending upon your activity level, lifestyle, body type and carbohydrate intake. If your body has been burning sugar for fuel your entire life, it will need time to adapt to burning ketones for fuel.

  29. Just getting started…but trying to wrap my head around the macro calculator right off the bat. Its telling me to have 44grams of fat and 146g of protein, but to only eat 1080 calories a day. How is that possible?? Waiting to goto the store and get started with this diet but I can’t figure out what I can eat within those guidelines. Please help.

  30. Darnnit! Lost 10 lbs. right off the bat, and gained it all back. SO ANGRY at myself. What could I be doing wrong? Help!

    1. There are a lot of factors why you’re not losing weight.
      Some of these could be:
      1. You’re not consuming the right calories.
      2. You eat too often.
      3. You’re stressed.
      4. Your hormones are off.
      Here are some links that might help you know why better:

  31. Hi everyone, I’ve been doing the keto diet for over a year and haven’t lost anything..not a single kilo.. very frustrating.. At first, I had the well known good feeling of being more energetic and not hungry anymore but it stopped there. I haven’t changed clothes size and nothing budged on the scale. I’ve been under 20g of carb from the beginning, weighing everything. When I saw that I didn’t seem to have the famous keto flu, I just assumed that I was part of those who wouldn’t suffer from it (since I wasn’t big on carb to begin with anyway), but after a while of not losing, I started to weigh everything and record it in my Fitness Pal, and now Carb Manager (which seems to be more accurate in the net carb count).
    So basically I’m 1.64m, I weight 85kg and I’m 35. After logging everything I eat again, I noticed that I was usually around 1 000 calories and between 70 to 100g of fat every day. So I re-did the macro calculation which, as an average between different websites, states I should eat between 120 to 140g of fat and have a total calory intake between 1 500 & 1 700. So for the past couple of weeks, I’ve increased those, while trying to reduce my proteins. Over those 2 weeks, I’ve been eating between 115 & 150g of fat, between 1 200 & 1700 calories, all while staying under 20g of carbs. Fat-wise, I’ve been having good fats: avocado, grass fed meat, coconut oil, etc. Result? I gained 3 kilos..
    Has anyone been in the same situation as me and can provide suggestions? Thank you!

  32. I have been doing the keto diet for 10 weeks and lost about 2 pounds . I have never cheated and I track all the food I eat with the keto app. I stay within my limits , most of the time under . I even tried fasting with it for 3 weeks and nothing . I test my urine and it always reads at moderate . This is extremely frustrating . I do not eat a lot of salty or processed foods . Mostly burger ,chicken and eggs.
    Please any insight would be greatly appreciated .

  33. I’ve been on keto for a year and half. The first 6 months I lost. The 2nd I plateaued and the last 6 I’ve gained back to my original start weight and counting. So frustrated. I never cheat. I’ve tried intermittent fasting and I will drop a pound or 2 then gained it back right away. I’m at a total loss. My doctor supports keto and she’s had good results. She just looks at me and acts like I’m crazy. I track everything on keto diet app and I hit my macros most days. She finally told me to quit for 2 weeks to mix it up. I am 45. I started at 172. Went down to 152 and now I’m back at 170. I’m 5’2. It’s encouraging to see others are struggling as well but I don’t see any real answers to it all. What’s the definition of insanity ??? Right ! Feeling pretty insane. Everyone knows I eat no carbs yet I’m ballooning again. Insanity. I’m at an utter loss. HELP!!

    1. Thank you for sharing. We realize how frustrating it can be to alter your diet so much and not see any lasting results. There are a couple of ways to troubleshoot, but the best place to start is by asking: Are you tracking your caloric intake? Are you moving every day? Check out our Keto Calculator and start tracking calories to see if you’re eating over your recommended calories. That might be a good place to start! Here it is: Keto Calculator

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